兴趣爱好:网球、乒乓球 1991.07,博士,随机过程,北京师范大学
1982.01,学士,数学,安徽师范大学 2004.07--2004.08,访问学者,香港大学,统计与精算科学系
1997.01--1997.07,访问学者,香港中文大学,计算机科学与工程系 Yunwen Ren, Xinsheng Zhang. Subset Selection for Vector Autoregressive Processes via Adaptive Lasso, Statistics and ProbabilityLetters vol.80(23-24), 2010, in English: 1705-1712
Shibin Zhang, Xinsheng Zhang. Moment Estimation of Parameters for Discretely Sampled OU-compoundPoisson Processes,应用概率统计 vol.26(4), 2010, in English: 384-398
丁盈,张新生.一类变形的传输不等式与多项式型聚集不等式,数学年刊(A辑) vol.31A(3), 2010,中文: 283-294
Shibin Zhang,Xinsheng Zhang. Onthe Transition Law of Tempered Stable Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes, Journal of AppliedProbability Vol.46(3), 2009,英语: 721-731
黄永军,张新生.关于正态分布的次序统计量的随机序,应用概率统计 Vol.25(4), 2009,中文: 381-388
孙曙光,张新生.基于离散观测的OU型过程的经验似然估计,中国科学 A辑:数学 vol.39(1), 2009,中英文: 99-120
Zhengyuan Wei,Xinsheng Zhang. Second order exponential differential operator and generalized Hermitepolynomials, AppliedMathematics and Computation vol.206(2), 2008,英文: 781-787
Zhengyuan Wei,Xinsheng Zhang. Amatrix version of Chernoff inequality, Statistics&Probability Letters vol.78(13), 2008,英文: 1823-1825
Dong Han, Xinsheng Zhang, Weian Zheng. Subcritical, Critical and Supercritical Size Distributions in RandomCoagulation-Fragmentation Processes,数学学报 vol.24(1), 2008, in English: 121-138
Shibin Zhang,Xinsheng Zhang. Exact Simulation of IG-OU Processes, Methodol Comput Appl Probab(Methodology and Computing in AppliedProbability) vol.10(3), 2008,英文: 337-355
Xinsheng Zhang. On stochasticordering for diffusion with jumps and applications,Statistics&ProbabilityLetters vol.77, 2007,英文: 614-620
ZHANG Shibin, ZHANG Xinsheng, SUN Shuguang. Parametric estimation of discretely sampledGamma-OU Processes, Science in China Series A:Mathematics vol.49(9), 2006,英文: 1231-1257
郑一鸣,张新生.关于a-Renyi熵序的若干结果,复旦学报(自然科学报) vol.45(5), 2006,中文:
潘进鱼,张新生.高斯向量和柯西向量二次型分布的不等式,复旦学报(自然科学报) vol.45(5), 2006,中文:
张世斌,张新生,孙曙光.离散抽样Gamma-OU过程的参数估计,中国科学 vol.36(8), 2006,中文: 901-927
Ying Ding,Xinsheng Zhang. Somestochastic orders of Kotz-type distributions, Probability and Statistics Letter vol.69, 2004,英文: 389-396
SUNLIHONG,ZHANGXINSHENG. StochasticComparisons of Order Statistics from Gamma Distributions,应用概率统计 vol.20(4), 2004,中文: 404-408
LUISJ. ROMAN, XINSHENG ZHANG and WEIAN ZHENG. Rate of Convergence in Homogenization ofParabolic PDEs, MathematicalPhysics, Analysis and Geometry vol.6(2), 2003,英文: 113-124
Xinsheng Zhang. On ComparisonTheorems for Diffusion Processes, AMS?IP Studies in Advance in Mathematics vol.26, 2002,英文: 135-148
张新生,王梓坤.生命信息遗传中的若干数学问题,科学通报 vol.45(2), 2000,中文:
ZHANG XINSHENG. On ComparisonTheorems For Dawson-Watanabe Superprocesses, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics vol.16(2), 2000,英文: 168-176
ZHANG Xinsheng(张新生). The lower bound of exactHausdorff measure of the sample path for the Markov process, Chinese Science Bulletin vol.40(5), 1995,中文: 353-360
张新生. N参数Ornstein-Uhlenbeck过程的点常返性,数学学报 vol.37(4), 1994,中文: 440-443
张新生.一般超过程的鞅刻化,数学物理学报 vol.14(2), 1994,中文: 223-230
张新生.关于一般马尔科夫过程轨道常返性及暂留性,高校应用数学学报 vol.9(1), 1994,中文: 60-65
王梓坤,张新生,李占柄.一致椭圆扩散的一个比较定理及其应用,中国科学(A辑) vol.23(11), 1993,中文: 1122-1129
张新生.多参数一致椭圆扩散的一个比较定理及其应用,科学通报 vol.19, 1992,中文: 1732-1735