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Scorpio Mythology and Legend According to mythology and legend, Scorpio is a zodiac sign that represents various powerful forces and stories. In ancient Greece, the mythology surrounding this sign involves Orion - a great hunter who boasted that he could kill any animal on Earth. Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, decided to put Orion’s skills to the test and sent a scorpion to challenge him. The scorpion stung Orion, and he died. As a result of his death, Artemis placed both Orion and the scorpion in the heavens as constellations: Orion to remind humanity of hubris, and the scorpion to honor its victory. In Mesopotamia, Scorpio was associated with the goddess Ishtar, who was considered the queen of heaven and fertility. The symbol for Scorpio was used as a fertility symbol and was believed to be the embodiment of Ishtar's power to give life and preserve it. In many cultures, Scorpio is also associated with the underworld, death, and rebirth. In Ancient Egypt, it was believed that the god of creation, Osiris, was killed and inextricably linked with Scorpio. His death and rebirth were closely connected with the cycles of the sun, and Scorpio was seen as a symbol of the ever-changing nature of life and death. In modern astrology, Scorpio is often associated with intensity, passion, and transformation. People born under this sign are thought to be determined, brooding, and sometimes a little mysterious. They are also believed to be highly intuitive and capable of sensing things that other people cannot. Scorpios are known for their focus an{阅读更多 十二星座查询常识请关注 :若雪星座网,wWW.iRuoXuE.Cc』d concentration, which allows them to achieve great things when they put their minds to it. In conclusion, the story of Scorpio is a rich and complex mythology that touches on themes of life, death, rebirth, and human emotion. As a zodiac sign, Scorpio is still a powerful symbol that represents strength, determination, and intensity.


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