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How to Pronounce Aquarius in English Aquarius is the astrological sign for people born between January 20th and February 18th. It is known as the Water Bearer and is represented with a symbol of two wavy lines. In English, this sign is pronounced “Uh-kwair-ee-us”. If you are an Aquarius or know someone who is, then it’s important to know how to pronounce it correctly. To properly say Aquarius, start by breaking down the word into syllables. The first syllable is “Uh” and is pronounced like the short “u” sound in the word “cup”. The second syllable is “kwair”, which is pronounced like the word “square” but with a “k” sound instead of an “s” sound. The final syllable is “ee-us” and is pronounced like the word “us” with a long “e” sound at the beginning. It’s important to note that the stress in the word Aquarius falls on the second syllable, “kwair”. This means that when you say the word, you should put emphasis on that syllable and slightly de-emphasize the other two syllables. Knowing how to properly pronounce Aq{浏览更多 星座运势查询常识请关注 :12星座配对网,wwW.XzpD.Cc〗uarius is not just important for sounding knowledgeable, it’s also important for clear communication. If you are discussing astrology or anything related to the Water Bearer sign, pronouncing it correctly can help avoid confusion and misunderstandings. In conclusion, Aquarius is a unique and fascinating astrological sign that is often associated with creativity, independence, and intellectualism. Knowing how to pronounce it correctly is important for anyone interested in astrology or who wants to communicate effectively about this sign. Remember to break the word down into syllables, stress the second syllable, and pronounce each syllable clearly.


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