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The Champion of the Deep: League of Legends' Cancer For those born under the sign of Cancer, they are often characterized as emotional, nurturing, and deeply intuitive. Perhaps it is fitting then, that League of Legends' Cancer, the crab-like champion of the ocean depths, embodies those same qualities within the game. Cancer's kit revolves around its ability to protect and sustain its allies while also dealing significant damage to its opponents. Its passive ability, "Frenzying Claws", increases its attack speed with each basic attack, allowing it to quickly shred through enemy defenses. Additionally, its Q ability, "Aqua Prison", roots and damages enemies in a target area, making it a powerful crowd control tool. But where Cancer truly shines is in its ability to shield and heal its allies. Its W ability, "Crab Shield", grants a large burst of shield to a target ally, protecting them from harm, while its E ability, "Soothing Mist", heals allies in an area around Cancer. These abilities allow Cancer to serve as a powerful support champion, able to keep its team alive even in the midst of intense team fights. However, Cancer is not without weaknesses. Its lack of mobility and weak early game can make it vulnerable to aggressive opponents. Players must carefully balance offense and defense, knowing when to protect their allies and when to engage in combat themselves. Overall, Cancer is a versatile and powerful champion that embodies many of the qualities associated with its zodiac sign. Whether serving as a protector of allies or a formidable opponent in battle, Cancer is sure to make a splash in any League of Legends match.


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