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Lucky Cancer: The Zodiac Sign of Fortune The Cancer zodiac sign is known for its emotional depth, loyalty, and nurturing nature. People born between June 21 and July 22 are under this sign. In astrology, Cancer is represented by the symbol of the crab, which shows their hard exterior and their soft inner nature. But did you know that Cancers are also known as the sign of good luck? It is said that the energy of the moon, which is Cancer's ruling planet, brings good fortune their way. Also, Cancers are believed to be naturally intuitive, which increases their chances of being at the right place at the right time. As a result, many Cancers find that they stumble upon opportunities and unexpected good luck. Another trait that contributes to the luck of Cancers is their nurturing nature. They have a tendency to take care of others, and in turn, receive blessings from the universe. When they give freely, they receive freely. Additionally, Cancers are known for being thrifty and resourceful, which allows them to make the most of what they have, even in difficult situations. This makes them resilient and able to bounce back from setbacks. In terms of career, Cancers often find success in fields that involve helping others. They excel as caregivers, nurses, social workers, and counselors, as they are able to provide comfort and support to those in need. Many famous Cancers have also found success in the entertainment industry, such as Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, and Selena Gomez. In love, Cancers are loyal and devoted, making them ideal partners. However, they can also be sensitive and emotional at times, which can cause conflict in relationships. When they find the right person, however, they are able to flourish and build a strong, lasting connection. Overall, being born under the sign of Cancer can be a blessing. The energy of the moon and their natural intuition bring good luck their way, and their nurturing nature and resourcefulness make them resilient in the face of challenges. With their emotional depth and loyalty, a happy and fulfilling life is within reach for any lucky Cancer.


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