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Taurus Dates: Understanding the Characteristics and Traits of those Born between April 20 and May 20 If you were born between April 20 and May 20, congratulations! You are a proud member of the Taurus zodiac sign. Taurus is known for being quite stubborn, but there is so much more to the sign than just that. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, which means that those born under this sign have a love for beauty and art. They enjoy indulging in luxury and material possessions, but ultimately crave stability and security in their lives. They are not afraid to work hard to achieve these things. People born under Taurus are also known for being incredibly patient and dependable. They have a calm and composed demeanor which can be very reassuring to those around them. They are loyal friends and trustworthy partners. However, being stubborn can also be a negative trait of Taureans. They can sometimes dig their heels in and refuse to budge when it comes to what they perceive as important values or beliefs. They can also sometimes come across as selfish or materialistic to others. Despite their love for luxury, Taurus individuals are also very down-to-earth. They have a deep appreciation for nature and enjoy spending time outdoors. They also tend to be very practical and logical when it comes to decision-making. Overall, those born under the Taurus sign are a unique blend of indulgence and practicality. They possess strong values and beliefs, and are not afraid to work hard to achieve their goals. With their calm and dependable personality, Taurus individuals are a valuable addition to any social circle or workplace.


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